Teaching and supervision at the University of Regensburg.
- Ethical Hacking and Cyber Range Training - Lecturer and Course Concept (WT 22/23, WT 23/24, WT 24/25) Master course
- Introduction to Scientific Writing - Lecturer and Course Concept (ST 24, WT 24/25) Bachelor course
- Business Information System - Teaching Assistant (WT 17/18, WT 18/19, WT 19/20) Bachelor course
- Introduction to Information Systems - Teaching Assistant (ST 19, ST 20, ST 21) Bachelor course
- Quantitative Methods of Information Systems - Teaching Assistant (ST 17, WT 17/18) Bachelor course
WT: Winter term, ST: Summer term
Supervised theses (selection)
- Understanding Individuals’ Security and Privacy Perceptions towards Using Large Language Models in aWork Context (master thesis)
- Elevating TARA: A Maturity Model for Advanced Cybersecurity Risk Assessment under ISO/SAE 21434 (master thesis)
- Attack Automation in Cybersecurity Exercises (Bachelor thesis)
- Design and Implementation of a Playbook-based Cyber Range (Master thesis)
- Cyber Range Awareness Training for the Human-In-The-Loop (Bachelor thesis)
- Detection of simulated Cyber Attacks against an IIoT Network using a SIEM System (Master thesis)
- More practical security training in the context of industrial control systems: a digital twin-based cyber range for incident response (Master thesis)